Monday, December 15, 2008

Remaining Consistent... At Least For Awhile

This is probably one of the greatest issues for patients when they first start a chiropractic treatment program... staying consistent with their treatment. The first couple of weeks can make or break your treatment, but it's hard to understand.

You come in, you're in pain and you just want to get better. The good news is that most people see a significant difference in just a couple of treatments. Then they drop out of care, just to have their symptoms quickly return.

You don't have to walk in and expect that you'll need to be under chiropractic treatment for the rest of your life in our office, but you have to be consistent at the beginning of your treatment to get the best results.

More patients get only temporary results, and it all comes from how good they are at following treatment recommendations at the beginning of care. We can do many things well at CORE Chiropractic, but we still haven't figured out how to treat you if you don't show up to our office.

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